Here is a list of historical tax brackets and tax rates for Alberta province. Use Alberta income tax calculator to check how much taxes you need to pay.
Income tax rates for 2023
In 2023 base amount is $21003 and tax rates are below:
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $142,292 | 10.00% |
from $142,293 to $170,751 | 12.00% |
from $170,752 to $227,668 | 13.00% |
from $227,669 to $341,502 | 14.00% |
over $341,502 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2022
In 2022 base amount and individual income rates are the same as in 2021. Base amount is $19,369 and tax rates are below:
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $131,220 | 10.00% |
from $131,220 to $157,464 | 12.00% |
from $157,464 to $209,952 | 13.00% |
from $209,952 to $314,928 | 14.00% |
from $314,928 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2021
In 2021 base amount and individual income rates are the same as in 2020. Base amount is $19,369 and tax rates are below:
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $131,220 | 10.00% |
from $131,220 to $157,464 | 12.00% |
from $157,464 to $209,952 | 13.00% |
from $209,952 to $314,928 | 14.00% |
from $314,928 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2020
In 2020 base amount and individual income rates are the same as in 2019. Base amount is $19,369 and tax rates are below:
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $131,220 | 10.00% |
from $131,220 to $157,464 | 12.00% |
from $157,464 to $209,952 | 13.00% |
from $209,952 to $314,928 | 14.00% |
from $314,928 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2019
In 2019 base amount was increased to $19,369.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $131,220 | 10.00% |
from $131,220 to $157,464 | 12.00% |
from $157,464 to $209,952 | 13.00% |
from $209,952 to $314,928 | 14.00% |
from $314,928 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2018
In 2018 base amount was increased to $18,915.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $128,145 | 10.00% |
from $128,146 to $153,773 | 12.00% |
from $153,774 to $205,031 | 13.00% |
from $205,032 to $307,547 | 14.00% |
from $307,547 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2017
In 2017 taxes rates were increased by couple percent except income below $126,625. Base amount was increased to $18,690.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $126,625 | 10.00% |
from $126,626 to $151,950 | 12.00% |
from $151,951 to $202,600 | 13.00% |
from $202,601 to $303,900 | 14.00% |
from $303,900 to $0 | 15.00% |
Income tax rates for 2016
In 2016 taxes rates were increased by couple percent except income below $125,000. Base amount was increased to $18,451.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $125,000 | 10% |
from $125,000.01 up to $150,000 | 12% |
from $150,000.01 up to $200,000 | 13% |
from $200,000.01 up to $300,000 | 14% |
over $300,000 | 15% |
Income tax rates for 2015
Tax brackets were introduced in Alberta in 2015. Base amount was increased to $18,214.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $125,000 | 10% |
from $125,000.01 up to $150,000 | 10.5% |
from $150,000.01 up to $200,000 | 10.75% |
from $200,000.01 up to $300,000 | 11% |
over $300,000 | 11.25% |
Income tax rates for 2014
It was no tax rate change in 2014. It is the same 10% for all income in Alberta. Base amount was increased by 0.11% to $17,787.
Income tax rates for 2013
In 2013 tax rate for all income in Alberta is the same 10%. Base amount was increased by 1.8% to $17,593.
Income tax rates for 2012
Base amount for 2012 in Alberta was $17,282, it is 2% increase from year 2011. Tax rate was the same as year before 10% for all taxable income