Financial calculators
Check how much taxes you need to pay in Canada
Check your monthly mortgage payments
Mortgage Affordability calculator
Simple calculator to check your mortgage affordability
Simple calculator to check how much you can save
Simple calculator to check you monthly mortgage payments
Sales Tax Calculators
Good and Services Tax (GST) and reverse GST calculator
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and reverse HST calculator
Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and reverse PST calculator
Health and fitness calculators
simple body mass index (BMI) calculator for men and women
Math Calculators
calculates factors for any number
- Contribution limits for self-directed TFSA2024 contribution limit for self-directed TFSA is $7,000. Plus, any unused contribution room from previous years is carried forward into this year.
- Income tax calculators updated for 2023 tax yearAll Canadian income tax calculators are updated for 2023 taxation year. Most provinces and all territories indexed their tax brackets and basic personal amount by federal or provincial inflation rate.
- Tax slips checklist for 2022 tax yearHere are the tax documents you may receive in 2023 from your bank in Canada or a third-party, depending on the type of accounts and investments you hold.
- Income tax calculators updated for 2022 tax yearAll Canadian income tax calculators are updated for 2022 taxation year. Most provinces and all territories indexed their tax brackets and basic personal amount by federal or provincial inflation rate.
- Netfile software 2022 (for tax year 2021)Netfile 2022. Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) published list of certified Netfile software you need to file tax return for 2021 tax year. Check full list here…