Here is a list of historical tax brackets and tax rates for Newfoundland and Labrador. Use Newfoundland and Labrador tax calculator to check how much taxes you need to pay.
Income tax rates for 2024
Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 2.3% for 2024. Basic personal amount is $10,818 for 2024.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $43,198 | 8.70% |
from $43,199 to $86,395 | 14.50% |
from $86,396 to $154,244 | 15.80% |
from $154,245 to $215,943 | 17.80% |
from $215,944 to $275,870 | 19.80% |
from $275,871 to $551,739 | 20.80% |
from $551,740 to $1,103,478 | 21.30% |
over $1,103,478 | 21.80% |
Income tax rates for 2023
Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 5.9% for 2023. Basic personal amount is $10,382 for 2023.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $41,457 | 8.70% |
from $41,458 to $82,913 | 14.50% |
from $82,914 to $148,027 | 15.80% |
from $148,028 to $207,239 | 17.80% |
from $207,240 to $264,750 | 19.80% |
from $264,751 to $529,500 | 20.80% |
from $529,501 to $1,059,000 | 21.30% |
over $1,059,000 | 21.80% |
Income tax rates for 2022
Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 2.8% for 2022. Basic personal amount is $9,804 for 2022.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $39,147 | 8.70% |
from $39,148 to $78,294 | 14.50% |
from $78,295 to $139,780 | 15.80% |
from $139,781 to $195,693 | 17.30% |
from $195,694 to $250,000 | 17.30% |
from $250,001 to $500,000 | 17.30% |
from $500,001 to $1,000,000 | 17.30% |
over $1,000,000 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2021
Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 1% for 2021. Basic personal amount is $9,536 for 2021.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $38,081 | 8.70% |
from $38,082 to $76,161 | 14.50% |
from $76,162 to $135,973 | 15.80% |
from $135,974 to $190,363 | 17.30% |
over $190,363 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2020
Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 1.9% for 2020. Basic personal amount is $9,498 for 2020.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $37,929 | 8.70% |
from $37,930 to $75,858 | 14.50% |
from $75,859 to $135,432 | 15.80% |
from $135,433 to $189,604 | 17.30% |
over $189,604 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2019
Newfoundland and Labrador indexed its tax brackets using the same formula as that used federally, but uses the provincial inflation rate rather than the federal rate in the calculation. Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 2.2% for 2019. Basic personal amount is $9,414 for 2019.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $37,591 | 8.70% |
from $37,592 to $75,181 | 14.50% |
from $75,182 to $134,224 | 15.80% |
from $134,225 to $187,913 | 17.30% |
over $187,913 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2018
Newfoundland and Labrador indexed its tax brackets using the same formula as that used federally, but uses the provincial inflation rate rather than the federal rate in the calculation. Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 1.5% for 2018. Basic personal amount is $9,247 for 2018.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $36,926 | 8.70% |
from $36,927 to $73,852 | 14.50% |
from $73,853 to $131,850 | 15.80% |
from $131,851 to $184,590 | 17.30% |
over $184,590 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador indexed its tax brackets using the same formula as that used federally, but uses the provincial inflation rate rather than the federal rate in the calculation. Newfoundland and Labrador’s inflation factor was 2% for 2017. Basic personal amount is $8,978 for 2017.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $35,851 | 8.70% |
from $35,852 to $71,701 | 14.50% |
from $71,702 to $128,010 | 15.80% |
from $128,011 to $179,214 | 17.30% |
over $179,214 | 18.30% |
Income tax rates for 2016
In 2016 Newfoundland and Labrador basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using indexation factor 1.004. Basic personal amount is $8,802 for 2016.
Taxable income | Rate |
from $0 to $35,148 | 8.20% |
from $35,149 to $70,295 | 13.50% |
from $70,296 to $125,500 | 14.55% |
from $125,501 to $175,700 | 15.80% |
over $175,700 | 16.80% |
Income tax rates for 2015
In 2015 Newfoundland and Labrador basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using indexation factor 1.022. Basic personal amount is $8,767 for 2015.
It was introduced new tax brackets for income over $125,000 and $175,000 in 2015.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $35,008 | 7.7% |
from $35,008.01 up to $70,015 | 12.50% |
from $70,015.01 up to $125,000 | 13.3% |
from $125,000.01 up to $175,000 | 13.8% |
over $175,000 | 14.30% |
Income tax rates for 2014
In 2014 Newfoundland and Labrador basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using indexation factor 1.015. Basic personal amount is $8,578 for 2014.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $34,254 | 7.7% |
from $34,254.01 up to $68,508 | 12.50% |
over $68,508 | 13.30% |
Income tax rates for 2013
In 2013 Newfoundland and Labrador basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using indexation factor 1.026. Basic personal amount is $8,451 for 2013.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $33,748 | 7.7% |
from $33,748.01 up to $67,496 | 12.50% |
over $67,496 | 13.30% |
Income tax rates for 2012
Basic personal amount for 2012 in Newfoundland and Labrador was $8,237.
Taxable income | Rate |
from 0 up to $32,893 | 7.70% |
from $32,893.01 up to $65,785 | 12.50% |
over $65,785 | 13.30% |