All income tax calculators are updated and ready for tax year 2015. Choose a province you reside in and check tax rates or select calculator to check how much income tax you’ll need to pay in 2015:
- Alberta – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Alberta introduced new tax brackets since 2015. - British Columbia – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
British Columbia provincial government increased all tax brackets and base amount by 0.7%. - Manitoba – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
In 2015 Manitoba income tax rates and tax brackets wasn’t changed at all and are the same as in 2014. - New Brunswick – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
NB basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using federal indexation factor 1.7. - Newfoundland and Labrador -income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Newfoundland and Labrador basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using indexation factor 1.022. - Northwest Territories – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Northwest Territories basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using federal indexation factor 1.017. - Nova Scotia – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Nova Scotia basic personal amount, tax brackets and tax rates were the same as in previous tax year. - Nunavut – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Nunavut basic personal amount and tax brackets were indexed using federal indexation factor 1.017. - Ontario – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
In 2015 tax brackets and Ontario personal basic amount were increased by 2%. - Prince Edward Island – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
In 2015 PE basic personal amount, tax brackets and tax rates were the same as in 2014 tax year. - Quebec – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
In 2015 Quebec provincial income tax brackets and provincial base amount was increased by 1.06%. - Saskatchewan – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Saskatchewan base amount and tax brackets were indexed using federal indexation factor 1.017. - Yukon – income tax calculator 2015 and tax rates 2015.
Yukon surtax was repealed in 2015.